Interview Preparation

‘Knowledge is power’

Preparation is the key to success in an interview

It is definitely worth the time to be fully prepared. It will give you confidence and every chance of securing the right job opportunity.
Interviews are a two way process, your questions are very important to demonstrate your interest and understanding of the role and company.
Please take time to read the document as even experienced recruiters can be out of practice of the interview process!
Most importantly know your own CV and figures achieved (if you are applying for a 360 or sales role).

Research the company website and if possible their competitors
Ask for more information if you need it from SM4 Recruiters
Arrive 10minutes early to your interview.
Know where to park or bus route
Create a positive entrance, always smile at the person that welcomes you and greet them with a firm handshake.
Remember eye contact and active listening – concentrate on what is being said.
Understand the position you are applying for.
Try to speak in a positive manner about former employers/managers
Take a note pad and pen in with you – this shows that you are keen and you have carefully prepared for your meeting.
Most of all know about yourself so you are able to talk fluently through your c.v.
Dress in a formal business manner.
Not much perfume or jewellery
Be clear on all your leaving dates and the reasons why you have left your former companies.
Have your figures at hand understand your margins and fees
Be able to talk through your key achievements and KPI’s.
Sell you self. Talk though all you key attributes.
Don’t discuss salary on your first interview unless the interviewer brings up the subject
Be aware of your notice period if in current employment
Always have questions ready to ask at the end of your interview – this shows you have researched the company
Close the interview! Ask the interviewer about the next stage. If you are keen – tell them you are; and thank them!